I like Ewoks; I love porgs. These are the snuggly creatures keep the rogue Luke Skywalker company on the hilly island in The Last Jedi. To celebrate the release of The Last Jedi on blu-ray, make paper plate porgs. They’re an adorable and easy Star Wars craft to make with your little Jedis.
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My friend Patrick scored us opening day tickets to see The Last Jedi at like midnight. Maybe it’s because it was waaay past my bedtime, but I wanted to snuggle up with those porgs as soon as they waddled onto the screen. The feeling was pretty mutual with my three daughters also. My then 3-year-old became obsessed. Every time we walked past a porg in a store she had to stop to give him a little squeeze. Thankfully, she got one of her own for Christmas.
To celebrate The Last Jedi being available to watch again and again at home, we needed a craft. With a paper plate craft, we didn’t need to worry about Chewbacca getting a hold of these porgs.
Paper Plate Porgs: A Star Wars Craft
Materials Needed:
- Paper plates
- Paint (grey and orange)
- Construction paper (black, white, and orange)
- Black pipe cleaners
Other supplies needed:
- Scissors
- Glue
- Stapler
No time to race from store to store? Shop for similar craft supplies from Amazon.
I actually had everything on hand for this one. All that hoarding careful collecting really paid off! So I was ready to get crafting with my littles.
As you get started, it’s important to note that you don’t need to be precise. Each of my kids made their feet a little differently, and the painting isn’t perfect. There’s personality in those little adjustments. Start by folding in the right and left sides of the paper plate. Next, fold the top down. Secure the folds with staples. You’ll be covering these so your porg will be pretty. Don’t worry!
Paint the right and left grey. In the middle section, you’ll leave a section white while painting two oval-y pie pieces. Yup, oval-y. We are very technical here in Clementine County. Next paint a small grey semicircle right in the middle.
Using construction paper, cut out large black ovals and smaller white ovals for the eyes. You’ll also need orange feet.
Cut your pipe cleaner into thirds. Form each into a U-shape.
Adhere your eyes, feet, and mouth to the porg.
It’s a simple craft that brings a little extra fun to our release day. If you haven’t seen The Last Jedi, you’ll want to grab it on blu-ray today.
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Oh my gosh, the Porgs were one of my favorite parts of this movie! The Last Jedi was so exciting . . . I can’t wait to watch it again soon.
It is so great that there will be a Star Wars land at Disney,. They always seem to come up with something new to keep the park fresh. I have not been in a few years so now i have a reason to go back. That craft looks like a lot of fun to make and play with.
These are so cute! Plus this craft looks fun to make. This is the perfect craft for this movie.
These paper plate porgs are so cute! What a fun rainy day activity to make with little ones! I love how easy and affordable this craft is to make! Perfect for any Star Wars fanatic!
Got to start the kids out young so they’ll be super fans too!
My family is obsessed with Star Wars, making this craft a neat idea! With spring break coming up, we will have to make these one day. I am sure that I have a few paper plates lying around the house.
I am all for Porgs. What a cute craft, I need to get all the materials and maybe this is our craft for the kids during our Easter brunch. Easy and cute. I also know all the kids love Porgs so it is going to be something all of them would want to make
I love doing crafts like these with my grandson, and the Porgs are adorable. Who knows, maybe I can even get my husband to help. He’s the biggest Star Wars fan I’ve ever met!
I ADORE this idea!
Thank you, Katie!
Awesome idea!
Oh gosh. How cute is this. I have all those supplies. I’m on it. The Porg is my personal favorite.