Are you guilty of staying in pj’s all day and allowing distractions to ruin your productivity? Follow these 10 Commandments for Working From Home and avoid common mistakes for remote workers.
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We’ve been trained to work in an office from the day we enter kindergarten. Assigned seating, set schedules, and oversight from a supervisor. But with the boom of remote employment opportunities, many are leaving the office and working from home.
I’ve been working from home for almost two years, and there are many sins of a remote worker that fill me with guilt. But I’m here to share what I’ve done wrong and what works so you can lead yourself out of the working-round-the-clock desert and into the promised land of work-life balance.
Grab yourself a few stone tablets and write down these 10 Commandments of Working From Home.

1. Thou Shall Not Stay in Pajamas All Day
When I first started working from home, working in my pj’s was a HUGE selling point. And still, I find great joy in donating “work clothes” and filling my closet with a more comfortable wardrobe that suits my personality and my life.
However, productivity and pajamas do not mix. Swap the jammies for clothing that inspires you to get the job done.
I won’t tell if you keep the slippers on all day, though.
2. Thou Shall Not Use Chores as a Break
In a traditional office with an 8-hour schedule, you’d take a lunch break, a coffee break, and maybe even sneak in a few minutes to discuss what you’re binging on Netflix with your coworkers. Those breaks are important for your mental and physical health.
Switching from working to another chore like unloading the dishwasher is not a break. Instead, go on a brisk walk around the block.
It also reminds your family that magic elves don’t clean the house when they go to work or school.
3. Keep Holy Your Work Schedule
Technically, you are physically available to run to the post office for a friend or baby sit their kid in a pinch. But it’s a very slippery slope.
It helps to think of your home office as a traditional office. Would your friend ask you to leave your office to assess the health of her rose garden? No. Would you leave work to pick up a sick kid from school? Yes.
Hold your work schedule in high regard, and others will do the same.
4. Thou Shall Not Spend All Day on Facebook
Social media can be a time vacuum. During work hours, put away your cellphone and don’t open Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms on your computer.
Eliminate any known distractions to increase your productivity.
5. Thou Shall Not Work from the Couch
Just like getting dressed each day increases your productivity, it’s important to have a dedicated work space. It’ll keep you on track when you’re in the zone (both literal and figurative zone).
Let your loved ones (hello, kids, I’m looking at you) know that when you are in your work space, you are not to be distracted unless limbs are missing or the coffee is ready.

6. Honor Thy Local Coffee Shop
Sure, I just said to have a dedicated work space. But you can also take advantage of the flexibility to work from anywhere. It’s important to get out of the house, and working remotely periodically can be invigorating.
Your local coffee shop is a great option for remote working.
7. Thou Shall Not Work Around the Clock
In a situation where your work doesn’t go away at 5 PM, it can be easy to check in on your email inbox after dinner or cross a few more items off of your to-do list. Does working around the clock earn you exponentially more? Nope! It just causes burn-out and resentment.
Instead, mute notifications, ignore email, and close the browser tabs until the next day.
Equally important, take weekends off to recharge and refuel.
8. Thou Shall Not Isolate Yourself
Working remotely can be isolating. Set up time to check in with your coworkers and employer. Webcams can provide face-time to help you feel connected. It strengthens your relationship with others, and reminds everyone that you’re here.
9. Thou Shall Keep Good Records
It’s vital to track business elements like hours work and expenses. You can keep track of time using tools like Hubstaff. These reports allow you to assess how you are using your time, plus you can share your hours worked with your employer.
Keep track of expenses for tax purposes. Things like office space, supplies, and utilities can serve as tax write-offs so make sure to keep track. Quickbooks is an easy way to invoice, log expenses, and even mileage!
10. Thou Shall Take Advantage of the Flexibility
It’s true that it’s important to keep sacred your work schedule and keep productive. But one of the biggest benefits of working from home is the flexibility it provides.
Chaperone the field trips, schedule the mid-day manicure, go to the dog park. Enjoy the flexibility of working from home!